On May 29, Gravenhurst High School hosted a “high school, here we come!” event to prepare incoming students for the transition to secondary school, and as an opportunity to learn about experiential learning opportunities available at the school.
Throughout the day, Grade 8 students from Glen Orchard Public School, Gravenhurst Public School, Honey Harbour Public School, K.P. Manson Public School, and Muskoka Beechgrove Public School (MBPS) rotated through six different stations, each with an experiential activity. Stations included, manufacturing and transportation, hospitality and tourism, construction, health and wellness, art, and a question and answer session that focussed on the need to know information for the students.
“The hands-on work was really fun,” said MBPS student, Matthew Dupuis.
“My favorite part was seeing all the different people and meeting the people I’m going to high school with,” said MBPS student, Clarke Natoli.